Minutes of Meeting held on 13th March 2023 @ 7.00pm at Peckforton & Beeston Village Rooms

Present:-  Mike Harrison Chair (MH), Rachel Thirlwall (RT), Daphne Weedall (Vice Chair) (DW) Andrew Evans (AE), Mrs Helen Exley (The Clerk)

Parish members: members present – none

Point Agenda point Raised By Action Due Date
1. Apologies: Tom Platt (TP) Andrew Haydock (AH)   Clerk N/A 13/03/23
2. Declaration of Councillors interests & Code of Conduct:

DW – Vyrnwy Aqueduct works – UU


 Chair All Cllrs 13/03/23
3. Approval of Minutes & Outstanding Matters:-

Please see attached checklist for outstanding matters:-

The minutes from the Quarterly held on 08/12/22 were proposed by AE and seconded by RT as correct.

Enforcement issue and planning – Horseshoe cottage.  Planning enforcement officer has now been appointed.

CIL payments – MH has written to CW&C and there are no entitlements to claim.




All Cllrs 13/03/23
4. Open Forum:-

No Members of Public were present.

Public  Chair/


5. Borough Councillor Update:-

Updates include:-

·         UU planning application for the site has been agreed with CW&C.

·         Wild Boar – application is nearly completed. Waiting for final numbers on the units.  Looking at the historical parts of the building and what will work with the numbers.  Expecting the planning to be finalised in the next few weeks.

·         Complaint received about wagons coming through Common Lane with the building works.  Planning officer has been informed.

·         UU – been approached about paying for flower planting along the A49 under their “corporate responsibility”.

MJ Clerk 13/03/23
6. Wild Boar:-7

No update further from MJ’s report above.  MH commented about improved communication from CW&C planning.

Chair Clerk ongoing
7. Cattle Market Development:-

Further properties have been sold.

Questions raised about the future planting of the bank.  Trees are due to be planted in Spring.

 Chair Chair/


8. Planning Matters

Current applications

22/04676/ful- Renards, Whitchurch Rd,Demolition of 3 existing buildings & construction of 2 new

22/04583/DIS – Beeston Castle Auction – discharge of conditions on planning 13/04149/OUT

Past applications

22/04081/FUL-Magpie Cottage, Betty’s Lane – Front demolition of an existing porch and replacement with a proposed porch A/D

22/02622/FUL- & 22/02623/LBC -Wild Boar Hotel Whitchurch Road Beeston-Conversion of the Grade II listed former Wild Boar Hotel to provide two dwellings and the erection of 12 new dwellings incorporating access, parking and landscaping.A/D

22/02766/FUL – Vyrnwy Aqueduct contractor compound -A/D

22/02508/FUL – widening of access for above works A/D

22/00453/LBC – Yew Tree Farm, Moss Lane, conversion of redundant building into residential – A/D

22/00452/FUL – Yew Tree Farm, Moss Lane, conversion of redundant building into residential – A/D

22/00063/OUT- Beeston Reclamation yard – erection of 25 dwellings & associated works awaiting – refused

21/05057/FUL- Beeston Hall Farm, Beeston Hall Mews, – Extension & demolition of exist buildings – A/D

21/02945/FUL – Mill Farm, Whitchurch Rd, CW6 9NJ – conversion of outbuilding to domestic annexe A/D

20/01379/DIS – Beeston Cattle Market development – discharge of conditions – A/D

18/00637/REM – Beeston Cattle Market development – discharge of conditions – A/D

20 M telephone mast application has been approved. 

Lake Vyrnwy Aqueduct Maintenance works update – see MJ notes 

 Chair Chair ongoing
9. Highways:-

Beeston Speeding on A49:

Speed indicator sign now in operation and it seems to be having a positive impact. Eaton Homes are keen to have that a permanent device once the unit has been returned to Spurstow.  Speed limit traffic order is now back in force. Question regarding the advertising of the traffic order and whether the wording is correct.  Confirmed that it is.

Rental payment of the SID from Spurstow was agreed at £100.

Beeston Speed limit – installation:-

Speed limit signs have been installed.  AE said that there are 3 missing.  Invoice for £2,100 + VAT. MH to authorised when to pay.

Litter picker:

Peter has sorted out a big pile of litter in Tattenhall Lane.  No further issues.


8 – Electric fence still across it. Diversion sign is still in place.

19 – no change.

Footways Clearance on A49:-

Still needs to be sorted out – landowner has cut hedge back, but not enough to have a positive impact.  Not able to walk on the path properly.  Photos required to send to CW&C Highways.

Roadside ditches, verges and drains:-

Blocked drain – section down Dean Bank still blocked.  Road surface has been eroded.  Stuart Bateman CW&C Highways  is aware of this.

Verge side Wild Flower planting:-

All planted up.

DW has asked for a grit box by the end of Moss Lane which is CEC boundary.  Recommended that a formal log put to CEC requesting one at the junction to cope with the icy roads.

10. Clerk’s report:-

Nothing further to report.

Still a Councillor vacancy but this will be covered under the election process.

Clerk clerk 13/03/23
11. Parish Council Elections:-

All nomination papers to be completed at the end of the meeting and returned to CW&C by the 4th April.

No councillor expenses forms sent out yet.

Clerk Clerk 04/04/23
12. Outdoor Centre: –

MJ – no update on the current situation.  MH has had exchanges of e mails with Helen Thomas CW&C and there is no current update on its future.  AE says there is a Glass window in the centre which should be preserved as it was donated by 3 charities.

Chair Chair ongoing
13. Beeston Castle & Tarporley Station re-opening: –

Hoping for a decision this week with the Spring Budget.  DW said that there had been mention of concerns regarding the parking implications with the reopening.

Chair Chair ongoing
14. Kings Coronation May 2023:-

Beeston Village hall committee are hoping to host a lunch.  It was suggested that any parish enquires are forwarded to the Village Hall and to join in with their activities.

Advertised on the website.  The Bunbury journal has also advertised events that are taking place.  Question raised about using Social media platforms for communication. 

Chair Chair 06/05/23
15. Financial Matters: –

Clerk fees    £715.25

Spurstow PC (SID) £100.00

Litter picking costs £684.00

PBVR hall hire  £25.00

MH Expenses – Jubilee beacon costs, etc £306.09                Website costs £120.00

payments proposed by DW and 2nded by AE.





16. Date of meetings for 2022/23: –

16th May 2023 @ 7.00pm

7th September 2023 @7.00pm

7th December 2023 @7.00pm

 Clerk  Clerk 13/03/23
17. Agenda items for next meeting: –


Chair Chair 13/03/23

Meeting closed at 20.25.hrs