held at Peckforton & Beeston Village Room 7.30pm 17th May 2023

present:  Andrew Haydock, Tom Platt, Andrew Evans, Daphne Weedall, Rachel Thirlwall,          Helen Exley (Clerk)

Apologies Mike Harrison

It was proposed by Andrew Haydock and seconded by Tom Platt that Daphne Weedall chair the meeting.

1.Introduction & Welcome

Daphne Weedall welcomed all Councillors to the meeting.   Members of public were present.

  1. Annual Report of the Parish Council by the Chairman, Beeston Parish Council.

Our achievement highlights of the past year must be the Jubilee Beacon lighting and finally getting the additional speed limit restrictions within the Parish.

Looking thought the PC minutes I’m reminded that we’ve had another busy year. Here is a brief summary:

Planning matters

Wild Boar Hotel

We have continued the battle to try to ensure this landmark building is saved. There continued to be considerable ongoing communication with CW&C Planning Dept following the lack of action by the owners after the Urgent Works Notice served on them by CW&C back in June 2021.

Finally, around the beginning of this calendar year Tabley Homes started scaffolding the main buildings and commenced roof repairs to stop the ingress of water. There is unlikely to be further work carried out until planning is granted by CW&C. This is likely to be forthcoming within the next few months.

Beeston Reclamation site – due to the lack of a determination by CW&C the second planning application and the refusal decision on the first application, the applicants appealed both decisions to the Secretary of State – Planning Inspectorate who subsequently refused both applications.

Old Cattle Market site – The Parish Council continues to enjoy a good relationship with the developers who provide regular updates and are very responsive to any issues / queries put to them by the Parish Council. Phase 1 of the development is all but complete and they have recently started on Phase 2. There remains about eighteen months of build left on the site.

Other Planning Matters

The PC have considered about a dozen planning applications and what impact they might have on the area. Where applicable objections / concerns were lodged with CW&C Planning Department.

 Re-opening of Beeston Castle & Tarporley Station Project

The commissioned report supported the business case for the project and was duly submitted to the Department of Transport. A decision is yet to be made by Government.

Platinum Jubilee

We had a successful evening on 2nd June with activities at the Castle centred around the Beacon Lighting. My thanks to Tom Platt for helping spruce up the beacon before the event and to Peter Bull and his team helping to get the beacon up and down from the Castle’s inner ward.

Highways issues

The number of highway defects has continued to reduce during the year, this is due in part to the continuing regular meetings with the principal engineer which helps to get matters progressed.  Unfortunately, there are still a number of ‘old friends’ outstanding. The surveying side of the Department works well. Regrettably the delivery team does live up to its name.

Litter – Peter Wilson has continued to help reduce the amount of litter on our verges.

Speed limit proposal – Finally in the summer of 2022 the project was fully costed by CW&C and had it not been for Councillor Mike Jones being able to allocate a grant to the project it would not, due to the vastly increased costs, been able to proceed. Thank you, Mike. Most of the signage was installed before 31 March and there remains one ‘terminal’ sign to be installed and then the scheme will be complete. Unfortunately, shortly after installation a pair of the ‘repeater’ signs were stolen from the post on Deanbank.

Speeding on A49 – Following a number of complaints from residents living in the new developments off the A49 and several accidents / near misses the Parish Council made arrangements to hire a Speed Indicator Device (SID) which was installed to monitor speeds on the 30 mph section of road between Deanbank and the entrance to the Old Market development. This was taken down at the beginning of April. The results are likely to support the views that there is a considerable breach of the speed limit in this area. CW&C have undertaken their own speed survey on both carriageways which shows a very high percentage of the traffic passing well in excess of the limit. We will continue our discussions with CW&C about possible improvements to the warning signage about the speed limit.

Verge wildflower planting

CW&C undertook a pilot scheme in the village preparing four wildflower beds for us. My thanks to Tom Platt for his help doing the final preparation work and seed sowing.

Xmas 2022

Lulu Haydock kindly added festive décor to the Village sign and the Peckforton Estate donated us a Christmas Tree which Tom Platt helped erect and decorate.

Footpath issues

There have been a variety of footpath issues over the year, which have mostly been resolved. Our thanks must go to Peckforton Estate for clearing the areas on FP 8 which became overgrown whilst the path was closed due to the health & safety concerns of the path crossing a live building site on the Old Cattle Market site.

Engagement with the community

The Parish Council regularly updates its website with information / matters which will be of interest / concern to residents within the Parish.

Additional “thank you’s”

Gill Thexton decided during the year it was time to standdown from the Parish Council after serving as a councillor for very many years. Sandy Verity also left us as she felt she did not have sufficient time to give us due to her other commitments. On behalf of the Parish, I would like to express our grateful thanks to both of them for their input to the Council.

Rachel Thirlwall has joined the Parish Council to replace Sandy, thank you Rachel, and we are still to replace Gill. I have someone in mind and will follow this up on my return.

Finally, I’d like to thank all my fellow councillors for their contributions during the last 12 months and also Helen for her support as our clerk.

3.Statement on the Parish Council accounts for Year ending 31 March 2022 by the Clerk to the Parish Council.

The Parish Council have maintained the Precept at last year’s level of £4,150

The Parish projects for 2022/23 have been the planting of the wildflower seeds at a cost of £114.  We look forward to a colourful display!  Thank you to Tom Platt and Mike Harrison for executing this.  Additional costs for the parish this financial year were for the Jubilee celebrations centred around Beeston Castle and the lighting of the Beacon.

Litter picking costs are increased this year with the total cost for the year at   £1224. This is due to the recent hourly increase awarded to Peter.

A £50 donation was made to the British Legion and we enjoyed the lamp post poppies in the Parish for remembrance day.

We have ended the year with a healthy reserve of £6463.

As always, thanks to the Chair and Councillors for their continued support in my role as Clerk to the Parish Council.

4.To invite the public to raise any matters of interest.

None  Raised.

The Meeting ended at 7.30pm


